.webp converter
.webp converter

.webp converter
  1. .webp converter how to#
  2. .webp converter update#

Consequently, image compressions will result in speeding up your website. The main benefit of the WebP format is to create smaller image files while preserving the same image quality. You’ll learn more on this topic in the next section. WebP file is lighter than JPEG file with the same quality – Source: Google WebP developers Additionally, WebP does not alter the visual quality of the image and makes your website load faster. Google found out that the average WebP file size was way smaller compared to the JPEG one. Is WebP Better Than JPEG And PNG?įrom a file size perspective, it is. WebP format helps you achieve the following balance: High-quality images and Low file size. The WebP file is 29.61 KB, which is much lighter than the JPEG format.The quality of the image remains the same in JPEG or WEBP.One is JPEG, the other one is WebP, and we notice three things, namely: In the example below – provided by the Google WebP website – we compare two images with the same quality.

.webp converter update#

“WebP” is definitively the most notable update in the past 10 years. That’s why there’ve been new formats coming out in recent years designed with minimizing files in mind while still retaining quality. Visitors want quality AND a fast website. The format can reduce image file size up to 35% smaller than JPEG and PNG images while retaining high quality. Developed by Google, WebP is a modern image file format containing lossless and lossy compression.

.webp converter

WebP is an image format that offers image compression by reducing the file size but not compromising the quality. Sounds promising? Let’s dig into this modern WebP format to see how it impacts performance by shrinking image file sizes up to 35%! What is WebP Format? If you already have hundreds of PNG or JPG images on your website, Imagify will optimize them and convert them to WebP automatically.

.webp converter how to#

In our guide, we explain how to deliver high-quality images without slowing down your site. Interested in converting your images to WebP on WordPress? Say hello to Imagify, our free plugin that optimizes your images and converts them to WebP.

.webp converter